martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Grupo Niche

Grupo Niche exactly born in 1980 in Bogotá, gestated by Jairo Varela Martínez and initially formed by a handful of young musicians in the Chocó. Niche born as a new alternative salsa, since at that time the music scene in Colombia was very poor coverage Varela who used to introduce a style and a more international flavor that started to sink and remained among salsa lovers. In addition to the break in the musical structure, there is also a thematic break, as Varela properly addressed the issue of black and all social and ethnic implications, conquering a new market space.
Some hit songs are: gotas de lluvia, busca por dentro y una aventura.

Guayacan Orquesta

One of the best exponents of Latin Music is the Guayacan Orchestra With the salsa and rumba-flavored themes neighborhood and street, this great orchestra has been known Colombian give honor and glory to his beloved homeland, Colombia.
Recognized worldwide for its unique style and original Guayacán has won multiple awards within the music industry and has achieved excellent sales over its previous 13 productions Since 1986, this great salsa group has been successful such as: going to Mourn, In Mouth, Teresita, Cocorobé, the most beautiful, Like a Bonfire, Pretty Dresses, Girl, Y Desde 1986, esta gran agrupación salsera ha cosechado éxitos tales como: Vas a Llorar, Por Bocón, Teresita, Cocorobé, La Más Bella, Como una Hoguera, Vestido Bonito, Muchachita, Yolanda, oiga, mire, vea.


The continental territory of the Republic of Colombia is located in the northwestern corner of South America, on the equatorial line, in full torrid zone.  Although most of its length, are in the Northern Hemisphere, Colombia is equidistant with both ends of the American continent.


Lina Marcela Molina
Tatiana Henao


The purpose of the blog is to learn more about the genre of salsa in Colombia and the inclinations of the people towards this kind of music.


In this blog, we are going to expose the different genres of salsa in Colombia. Since also we will know his more recognized artists and some of his successes.